Monday, July 11, 2011

Harry Potter Week

That's right folks. It's Harry Potter week! The last movie is finally coming out, and we are a little more then excited over here. After reading the entire series and watching the movies, we are ready for this moment! Tickets to the midnight showing have of course been purchased. We are having a Harry Potter marathon with some friends this week. Each day (we started yesterday) we are watching one or two of the HP movies in order. The schedule is as follows:

Sunday: The Sorcerer's Stone
Monday: Chamber of Secrets and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Tuesday: The Goblet of Fire and Order of the Pheonix
Wednesday: The Half-Blood Prince
Thursday: The Deathly Hallows Part 1
Friday at 12:05: The Deathly Hallows Part 2

So now you REALLY know the extent of our nerdiness! We are even going to make a batch of butterbeer. Good times!