Thursday, June 30, 2011

A New Season is Starting

Summer has officially arrived here in the bay area! Wasn't too sure if it would show its 100 degree face until recently when it finally began to warm up. Forecast calls for 100 degree weather by Sunday! Now we're talking! Not only is the weather beginning to change, but changes are happening in the Fox household. I guess you can say the topic of our lives have been jobs, jobs, jobs! Nate's job hours have recently been cut in half due to lack of funding. I still have not found an OT job, and my job search has left me looking and feeling like this:
However, God has been faithful. He continues to provide for our little family. Once subbing stopped, I got a part-time tutoring job to tide me over for the summer. Nate has been getting some side business from transferring old VHS tapes to DVDs and making slide shows. So here comes the plug: If you need any old VHS tapes transferred to DVDs or slide shows made, let us know!!

Anyways, both Nate and I have been vigorously looking and applying for jobs. Nate has already found a couple of exciting job leads. I finally signed up for the American Occupational Therapy Association's (AOTA) OT Job Link. I set up a profile about myself with an attached resume that is searchable for OT recruiters. Once I signed up for this, I received 7 calls the next day from companies interested in hiring me! "Woa Nellie!" I said to myself. It was nice to finally have OTs calling me. Most of the opportunities I am applying for are in school based therapy. In school based therapy, OTs go to the schools and work with children with various disabilities. The OT sets up a treatment plan they follow throughout the year. OTs will work one-on-one with the children and may offer extra support to the teacher. I also have a few leads at a couple of pediatric clinics. I don't have a huge preference where I work, I just want to work with children. In the meantime, we are praying for whatever jobs God has in store for us.

In addition to searching for jobs, we had the opportunity to go with our high-school kids to summer camp a couple of weeks ago! Nate and I have been helping out with our youth group probably for the past year now. Summer camp was great, we did a Southern Cal tour and went to a water park one day, Disneyland the next day, and then ended with a trip to Balboa beach. Nate led the group of fresh/soph guys while I lead the fresh/soph girls. We all had a blast! We also had a great time of worship and an awesome speaker. A lot of lives where changed and exciting commitments made.
Here are pictures of our groups:

The last day of camp, we had the infamous "gong talent show." Nate's team won! It was pretty awesome. On the beach, they performed a skit called, "Men Without Shirts." Enjoy!

So fun! After camp, I went to Oregon with my family. Unfortunately Nate couldn't come because he could not get time off work. I had a very relaxing time with the fam and hanging out with the adorable nephew, William:

While I was gone, Nate was having his own fun with our other nephew Wyatt:

The job situation has been a challenge for us, but we know God has a plan for both of us. We are trusting in Him because He has constantly provided for us. In the meantime, we are going to enjoy this extra time we have together!

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