Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ruth Fox OTR/L

When I graduated from Azusa Pacific University in 2006, I knew two things, Nate was the man I wanted to marry and "holy *&%^!" I have a lot more schooling left. Well here I am, after two years of unpleasant prerequisites, 100 volunteer hours, the GRE, two years of grad work, two internships (one of which included nightmarish toilet experiences), one frightening BIG EXAM, licensing, I have finally landed A JOB! No, not a job, a BIG GIRL JOB! It's been quite a road, but with constant love and support from my amazing husband, family, and friends it has been an altogether life-changing and growing experience. The cool thing is this is just the beginning! I am looking forward to a long, fruitful, always-changing and exciting career.
I have been hired by Progressus Therapy. They are a company that contracts to schools. They have placed me in the Mt. Diablo School District in Concord, not too far of a commute. Therefore, working in the schools I will have a caseload of children whom I will evaluate and treat. School therapy usually includes one-on-one work with a student outside of the classroom, sometimes inside the classroom. I'm not sure which schools I will be at, our how big my caseload will be, but more details to come.

Can I just stop here and give a toast to my amazing husband???? Seriously, he has been pretty spectacular through all of this. Of course my goal was to get through school, but getting me through school was as much his goal as mine. Not just for financial reasons, but he knew this is my passion, and I must pursue my passion.  He shared in my triumphs and disappointments and felt them just as much as I did. He calmed me down in times of stress. He let me poke and prod and move his limbs around when I had to practice my manual muscle testing, wheelchair transfers, and range of motion testing. He listened to my tirades of "am I doing the right thing?" and "Why did I decide to go to grad school again?" He was a huge contributing factor of where I am now. Now it's his turn to find that fantastic and satisfying job he deserves so much. Please keep him in your prayers. So let's all raise our glasses to my husband and hero, NATE THE GREAT! (*clink, clink*)

Anyways, I begin my job August 30th. I am very happy to be working for Progressus, they seem like a solid company, a company I can see myself with for long time. I will of course keep everyone updated on the details of my job. I look forward to this next journey in life!

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